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Billy Odom – 2017 Bob Pannone Service Award

Billy Odom graduated from Baker High School in 1968 where he was an outstanding athlete. He then attended Mississippi College on a football and track scholarship and received his degree in 1972.

Coach Odom returned to his Alma Mater in 1972 and began teaching and coaching. For two years, he served as an assistant football coach and was the head basketball and head track coach. Three years later, Billy became the Head Football Coach at Baker, and would serve in that position for the next 14 years.

As a coach, Billy was ahead of his time! When the wishbone and the veer were all the rage in Mobile area high school football, Billy’s teams were passing the ball all over the field. His innovative offense was similar to the common spread offenses of today.

In 1988, Billy spent a year as a graduate assistant at Mississippi College before returning to high school sports at Murphy, where he served for three years as an assistant coach. Murphy went to the finals twice during his tenure there. He then coached at Alba High School for five years as the head coach before finishing his career at Alma Bryant in 2005.

Billy Odom was an outstanding football coach, but most remember Billy for his service to the Alabama-Mississippi All-Star Game. He has served the game loyally as the administrative coach for 30 years. Billy has handled everything including players, coaches, equipment, rooms, meals and transportation.

Billy has also served for 29 years at the Senior Bowl as the Administrative Coach for the South Team.

The ALFCA is proud to present the Bob Pannone Service Award to Coach Billy Odom.


Alabama Football Coaches Association

Established 2005

© 2023 by ALFCA

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