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Football Committee Discusses Instant Replay, 40 Second Clock

The football committee of the AHSAA met on Tuesday, January 9th in Montgomery.  The following items were discussed at the meeting:

  1. The NFHS is considering the possibility of a 40 second clock similar to the NCAA rule.  Committee members discussed the substitution issues and other problems that might arise. (since the meeting, the NFHS has rejected this proposal for the time being.)

  2. Problems concerning the Alabama- Mississippi All Star game continue to be on the table each year.  This year a number of players sat our the game, primarily due to playing in other all star games.  There were also some coaches who did the same.  One of the ideas to help was for the high school coach of the involved players to emphasize the importance of playing in the game.  No one felt like this year’s game, a decided victory for Mississippi, had our best players involved.

  3. It was discussed that the playoff brackets should be changed so where the home team that had previously be listed on top.

  4. The high school speakers were a success at the AHSAA Summer Conference.  They will continue to be used, as well as Division II and Division III coaches, who are allowed by the NCAA. There was also discussion about using a demonstration area as well.

  5. Contracts will be renewed with Auburn University and the University of Alabama for Super 7.  The cooperation of the cities of Auburn/Opelika and Tuscaloosa continue to make the Super 7 a great event for teams and coaches.

  6. Instant replay could just be on the horizon for the state of Alabama.  NFHS has given permission for an experimental program in the state.  Working on some of the details now.  In discussion with companies who would provide the instant replay service along with what the cost of the service would be for the schools.

  7. There is a conflict with the NCAA dead period in the summer and the AHSAA competition periods for football.  Possible proposal for change in this year’s AHSAA proposals.  Otherwise, teams will not be able to attend any Division I team camps this summer.

  8. The AHSAA gave a classification update and some future possibilities in regards to classification.


Alabama Football Coaches Association

Established 2005

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