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The Jet Sweep Part 4 - Complimentary Run Plays

In the first four segments, we looked at the philosophy of the Jet Sweep as well as multiple ways to run it out of various formations and blocking schemes. It is important to remember that the offense should become so good at the play that the opponent will be greatly concerned about stopping it. If so, then everything else that the offense can do which is complimentary to the jet sweep will be enhanced greatly. When the defense makes their adjustments to stop the Jet, they will become vulnerable to the complimentary runs and passes which the defense will spend less time preparing to stop.

It is also critical that the offensive coaches know exactly how to attack the defense depending upon the adjustments. These coaches should have installed the plays and passes they need to attack the weakness that the defense has given themselves. If they are running safeties down toward the line of scrimmage with the jet motion, the offense must know exactly how to attack the areas that those safeties have voided. If linebackers have widen and left fewer numbers in the box, the offense can give the look of jet sweep and run the ball inside.

Because the offense can run the jet out of multiple formations, it forces the defense to defend the play and its complimentary plays out of many different sets. Is the defense sound vs. a 2x2 Jet/Comp plays as well as Empty Jet/Comp plays?

The other great thing here is that it is not necessary to have a whole bag full of plays. But the ones the Jet Offense runs must be well executed, attack the vulnerable areas and called at the right times.

The best thing that the Jet Offense can possess when it comes to complimentary plays is a quarterback who is a great runner and at least an average thrower. Here are the best complimentary running plays to enhance the JET Sweep Offense.

Jet Sweep Counter (HB) - Here the jet motion goes from left to right and the defense tries to adjust by bringing the OLB tighter to the LOS, rolling the safety and sliding the backside linebacker towards the box. The playside guard and tackle work the DT to the MLB . The right guard pulls and blocks the DE and the right tackle pulls and leads on the OLB. If the defense bounces the play wider, the safety must help with the bounce and the backside throws. If the defense has issues with the G-T scheme, they could be in for a long day.

Jet Sweep QB Counter - Here is QB Counter vs. a 3-3 Stack defense. This is a play that a good running QB can really cause some issues for the defense. The QB rides the motion man and pulls the ball ,following the G-T pulls. The defense must adjust and play the sweep. The inside players really need to see the G-T scheme and react to it. But if the sweep has had some success that may be difficult to do. If the LBs key the guard, it is possible to give a false pull key and hand the ball off while the QB follows the G-T pullers without the ball. If the playside LB keys the playside HB for his counter, he will be chasing the sweep here and headed in the wrong direction. One of the key points of the offense is to create indecision in the mind of the playside LB. You want to make him wrong at times when he keys the HB or the QB. The offense also must false key the LB if he keys the playside guard. Part of the strategy of the offense is to determine who that playside LB is keying and make him wrong.

Jet Sweep G Fool - If the DE is chasing the tackle pull on the G-T, then the offense can pull both the guard and the tackle and hand the ball off to the jet back with the QB faking the counter. But most defensive ends will not chase b/c of concerns about the QB keeping the ball. But it is possible to pull the guard and still reach/hook the 5 technique defensive end (C gap area) and run the Jet. The playside LB will get the "fool" look and chase the guard to play the counter. If the offensive tackle gets any kind of block on the DE, the back has a crack and arc with the wide receiver and the halfback and no inside linebackers pursuing the Jet Sweep. Misdirection concepts like this one can confuse keys and make the Jet an even better play. Handing the ball off to one of your best players and creating separation in the defense can lead to some big chunks of offensive yardage.

Jet Sweep QB Belly - This is a great play off the jet to force the playside LB on the sweep to stay inside and play the QB counters on the opposite side from the Jet and the QB Belly on the playside of the sweep. The QB will ride the Jet back and pull the ball as the back goes by. The Jet back must make a great fake and run like he has the ball. The backside LB must think counter. The offensive line executes a G-T scheme, this time to the side of the sweep play. It is a bonus for the offensive line as they get two terrific plays for the price of one scheme. The QB looks to run in the "B" gap area on the side of the Jet Sweep. However, because of the depth of the ride and the the outside players looking to fight wide to defend sweep, the QB can "bounce" the play slightly if the defense crashes the guard kickout block hard. The offensive line should be skilled at that technique. The tackle can see the crash and go a little deeper around the block in front of him. He then can pull up and block the first thing he sees. This play can be run out of any formation that the Jet Sweep can be run. Itis great out oif empty sets.

The Jet QB Belly Fool - If the defense is attacking the G-T scheme hard and crashing the guard kickout block, the Jet offense can "fool" the defense and destroy their keys. Here the jet motion is to the right and the DE reads the down block and thinks "G-T". He plays the scheme, thinking that he is destroying the QB Belly play. The QB rides the jet back and gives him the ball, but he must make a great fake to hold the defenders inside, particularly the playside LB. If the playside LB is keying the guard or the QB, he gets a false read. This scheme looks exactly like QB Belly. This play is best out of empty where the playside LB really has no choice but to key QB or the guard. However, on the above diagram the back should have the ball with a 2 on 2 blocking situation out wide with a lead block by the HB. If your jet back has some quickness and moves, this should be a big play. When the offensive staff is game planning, they should pay great attention to how the defensive personnel play the reach block, how the playside LB attacks sweeps and how they all play the G-T Scheme.

Jet Sweep Power Read - Here the QB can read the DE to see if he is playing the down block tough. If so, the QB simply hands the ball off. If the DE plays the sweep instead, the QB rides the back and then keeps the ball, following the pulling guard who is responsible for the playide LB. This is a great play but can be time consuming to get the QBs good vs. the different "C" gap player reads and techniques he may see. The "read" part can also lead to turnovers as the QB rides the Jet back and makes his decision to give or pull the ball. It is possible to get some good results just by calling the "fool" plays. The playcaller in the box knows exactly how the defense will react to the scheme as he can see the defense on the replays in between series.

The Jet Option - Because it is difficult to key the HB when the jet motion occurs, option plays can be another great misdirection play away from the motion. Remember, the defense will still have to adjust to the motion to stop the Jet. Here the motion tells the defense to defend the sweep to the defensive right side. The reach block and guard pull tells the scheme readers that the sweep is on to that side. The QB gives a quick ride and attacks the "C" gap area away from the Jet Sweep. He will then option that defender which generally will be the last man on the line of scrimmage. The HB will go into pitch motion (probably best to give a slight counter step for flow and timing on the pitch). The wide receivers block as though they would on Jet. This play will create great flow to the left as the QB options to the right. Counters, options, bootlegs and other passes away from the motion help the effectiveness of the Jet Sweep as they slow and confuse the defensive players and their defensive keys.

The Jet Sweep Reverse - A reverse make sense in this offense because of the great flow and pursuit necessary to stop the Jet play. On this reverse back to the offensive right, the right tackle jams the C gap, then circles and seals the defensive "C" gap player or DE using the old "Auburn/Malzahn" reverse technique. The left guard and tackle can just block Jet Sweep as well as the inside receiver. The center and right guard essentially do the same. However, they must understand that If their block is a linebacker that that defender will pursue and then retrack his steps to chase the reverse. This can be an easy seal block to prevent inside out flow from coming back to the ball carrier. The QB hands off , takes his time and is responsible to lead the reverse and block the CB. If something else shows on his path he will do the best he can to tie up that defender. The backside receiver "slow cracks" the alley. He must understand that the defender will pursue, see the reverse and come back. The receiver wants to get himself in position to seal block. The Jet back can pitch or hand off the ball to the reverse back. It is also possible to fake the handoff or pitch to the reverse back and the jet back keeps it behind the lead block of the HB. This creates another great way to run Jet as well as creating another misdirection play in the offense.

Next session we will take a look at the passing game off of the Jet Sweep.

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